Hi There!
My name is Laura Allen. I am a wife and mama to two sweet girls. This is my story I write for you, shared from the heart, the same way I would share this with one of my best friends. I truly hope you find it encouraging whether you are struggling with body image, struggling to get your children (or husband) to eat anything green, transitioning to a plant-based diet, diabetic, vegan or just looking for a few yummy, plant-based recipes. From heathen to vegan, this is for you!
My name is Laura Allen. I am a wife and mama to two sweet girls. This is my story I write for you, shared from the heart, the same way I would share this with one of my best friends. I truly hope you find it encouraging whether you are struggling with body image, struggling to get your children (or husband) to eat anything green, transitioning to a plant-based diet, diabetic, vegan or just looking for a few yummy, plant-based recipes. From heathen to vegan, this is for you!
As many young girls experience, I struggled with food, body image, and exercise—maybe trying to exert some control over life, while in actuality those same obsessions controlled me. Restrict, binge, spent hours pounding the pavement, to wake up and do it all over again. After a hospitalization from anorexia in high school, I gained weight, but the underlying behaviors and tendencies remained until one simple change….“Let food be thy medicine”. I started flooding my body with whole plant-based foods. It was the spark to bringing life to a true authentic balance. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.
I dove into the research. I wanted to know WHY I felt better both physically and mentally, the brain fog lifted, craved more fruits and vegetables, drank more water, food obsessions became less controlling; I was alive again. I was a more energetic and present mom, kinder wife, positive and supportive friend, and compassionate person. Through the research, I learned more about disease, oxidative stress, inflammation, antioxidants, and most importantly the power of a plant-based diet. Autoimmune disease runs in our family…my mother-in-law is a type 1 diabetic, husband is type 1 diabetic, and yes, our oldest daughter has all the antibodies for type 1 diabetes, but guess what?! Her A1C is NORMAL! Praise the Lord! Nutrition nearly killed me years ago, and now, it is nutrition that gives my family so much HOPE. Our DNA is NOT our destiny!
I believe that it’s the small, daily choices we make that either support or undermine our ability to thrive physically, emotionally, mentally and the foods we eat are an important part of this equation. When we consciously choose wholesome foods on a regular basis and eat based on our intuition, we set the stage for a more abundant, energized life. Stabilizing your body through good nutrition, living an active, balanced lifestyle and self love are the keys to change for the better. Plant-based living has a ripple effect in a good way! Once you start, you can’t help but improve in all areas of your life. But remember, it’s about progress, not perfection…one simple change at a time.
As a mom, I understand that every decision I make nourishes something, whether good or bad. I have a family that depends on me to be my best and I strive for that daily. This requires intentional planning, priority-setting, checking in with myself and them, as well as much grace and prayer. Let me say that again, much grace and prayer.
Grateful you are here! Remember, everyone is on their own journey, living and learning as they go. It is my deepest desire that this will add value to your life and just maybe, inspire you to eat a few more plants!
Much Love,
Much Love,